Contactar con Liruch.
Haha me en kanta ir abailar son mui alegreee bueno siempre i kuando thodo ande bien eceptho als personas tha i komo son y amo0 a mii familiaa amigo0s ii kalro0 a los kotoss. Mis interéses: Masajes, Sleeping, Romantic Comedy, Pasarlo bien, Angry Birds, Weekends, Dinner with friends, R&B, Pool, R&B y Hip hop, Conversation, Shakira, Nights In, Nintendo, Respeto, Salsa, Humour, Eminem, Texting, Evening with friends, Bruno Mars, Summer, Love, Pets, Meeting people, Cuddles, Honesty, Kissing, Super Mario, Happiness, Bubble baths, Friendship, Horror, Swimming, Drinking Games, Reggae
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