Contactar con Liruch.
Hola soy yazmín. Mis interéses: Listening to Music, Netflix, Blackberries, Cakes, Thermidor Lobster, Starburst, Vanilla Latte, Music, Wine Tasting, Greek food, Ferrero Rocher, Turkish food, In-N-Out Burger, Argentina Beef, Olive Oil, Dinner with friends, José José, Fondue, CSI: Miami, Muffins, Arabic, Spanish Food, Bacon, Disney, Watching movies, Amanda Miguel, International food, Japanese food, Shrimps, Barbecues, Garlic Bread, Apple Pie, Romance, Luis Miguel, Buenos vinos, Mangos, Edhit marquez, Camilo Sesto, CSI: NY, Sushis-sashimis, Aperitif, Cheeses, Lemonade, Green tea, Mediterranean cuisine, Peliculas de terror, Patrón, Tomar con los amigos, Crèpes, Restaurants
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