Contactar con Liruch.
Primero mi hija despues yo y asta el ultimo lo que venga si tu sufres es por que quieres nadie te puede hacer sentir mal mas que solamente tu asi que que prefieres. Mis interéses: Personal Grooming, Reading, Seafood, Housewife, Hot Chocolate, Twilight, Pasarlo bien, Avatar, Novelas, Nights In, Hair, Ice cream, Criminal Minds, Nature, Ghost Stories, Milk Chocolate, Fruit, White Chocolate, Salads, Solitaire, Yogurt, Cheesecake, Honesty, Romance, Sun, El mar, Pac-Man, Disney, The Simpsons, Meat, Tea, Sudoku, Caminar, Customer Service and Sales, Desperate Housewives, Board Games, Honest Friends, Pizza, Books, Chocolate, I Am Legend, Basketball, Harry Potter, Super Mario Bros, Friendship, Hanging Out, Pop, Watching movies, Strawberries, Sleeping
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