Contactar con Liruch.
Soii muii alegre y me gusta tener muzhoz amigoz.!. Mis interéses: Coffee, Italian Food, Collecting perfume, Reggaeton, Spin the Bottle, Hair, Nail Polish, Mystery, Romantic Comedy, Strawberries, Straighteners, Chanel, Eyeliner, Chicken, Vodka, Swimming, Lord of the Rings, Angry Birds, Romance Novels, Harry Potter, Wii Fit, Sunbathing, The Big Bang Theory, Zumba Fitness, Lip gloss, Bracelets, Internet, Lord of the Rings, Xbox 360, Romeo and Juliet, Pizza, Romance, Ice cream, Fantasy, Tequila, Aventura, Twilight, McDonald's, Harry Potter, Fruit, Champagne, Piercings, Nike, Football, I Am Legend, Tattoos, CSI: Miami, PS3, Dresses, Mascara
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