Contactar con Liruch.
Sólo amistad¡¡¡. Mis interéses: Artist, Cappuccino, Fruit, Japanese food, Spaghetti, Usher, Horror Movies, R&B y Hip Hop, I Am Legend, Café con los amigos, Saw, Chris Brown, Lord of the Rings, Cakes, Good food, Forrest Gump, Movie Theater, Tattoo, The Hangover, Bruno Mars, Thriller, Johnny Depp, Strawberries, Creative, The Twilight Saga, Laughing, Family, Horror, White Chocolate, Singing, Pretty Woman, Respeto, French Fries, Housewife, Hot Chocolate, Texting, R&B, Fish, Positivity, The Bodyguard, Chocolate Cake, Listening to Music, Chocolate Chip Cookies, American Pie, Desserts, Green Mile, Honesty, Being a Mom, Coca Cola, Vampire Diaries
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