Zaid , 30 años
Melilla, Melilla

Do not tell people about your good side to make them stay, tell them about your worst side and see who stay

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Good looking and industrious i love cooking, reading
Agres, Alicante

Good looking and industrious i love cooking, reading

I´m who i preached to be all time. good looking and industrious i love cooking,reading,golf etc . Hello Dear good morning and how are you today? It´s nice to come across your lovely profile here which i find cute and interesting to write you, Hope my letter didn´t upset you right? I want to get aqueinted with such a charming woman like you. Due to the nature od my job i don´t have a nough time to stay here to write you but i will like if you will contact me via my private email so that we will communicate effectively over there, My email is : cucoloayman@gmail.com or my fb https://web.facebook.com/cucostonywait/friends?lst=;100022233221679%3A100022233221679%3A1568670671&source_ref=;pb_friends_tl&__m_async_page__=;1 Use this to write me mail or you send your´s and Add me on hangout. How is the weather condition today in your country hope your doing good. Thanks for the opportunity.
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Aldeanueva de Guadalajara, Guadalajara

No excuse not to stay in touch in this day and age of technology

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Antas, Almería

Life is too short to waste on the wrong one

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Cherche femme re chaque jour comme cherche une femme qui parle aussi français et où anglais il vient
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Cherche femme re chaque jour comme cherche une femme qui parle aussi français et où anglais il vient

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Connection, chemistry, passion, laughter and fun

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Hey there   i am looking for sex if you are interested just drop your instagram
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Hey there i am looking for sex if you are interested just drop your instagram

Hey there ? i am looking for sex if you are interested just drop your Instagram
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